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Introducing our law firm

Founded in 1998,

Stan Fanaroff & Associates specializes in a broad spectrum of legal services

Introducing Our

Law Firm

Stan Fanaroff & Associates is a law firm based in Rosebank, Johannesburg. Everybody in the firm, from the founder, the associates and all the staff, pride themselves in conducting the affairs of the firm in a highly professional manner, making it their business to understand the needs of all clients and assuming personal commitment to each matter.  Each of its attorneys offers a level of expertise in their respective fields of practise, of the highest quality and standard. 

Our Legal Services


General Commercial Law




Property Law – Conveyancing


Notarial Services


Sports Law


International Law

There Is No Lawyer More Eloquent Than the Heart.

Sylvain Maréchal (1788)

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107 Oxford Road, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196

PO Box 2537, Houghton, 2041 Docex 63 Johannesburg, South Africa

Tel: (011) 880 3333

Fax: 086 520 9730 / 011 880 2711

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